Renowned Nollywood actor Williams Uchemba has melted many hearts online by surprising his wife, Brunella Oscar, with a Rolex wristwatch as a push gift.
It can be recalled that on December 11th, Williams Uchemba welcomed his second child, a baby boy, with his wife in US and he shared the existing news with his fans and online community via his Instagram page.
Taking to his timeline, the actor shared a video documenting the surprise, from buying the Rolex wristwatch to his wife’s reaction at first sight.
When Brunella received the Rolex wristwatch, she was stunned and immediately questioned her husband about the unexpected gift.
However, their daughter was thrilled with the gift, and as soon as Brunella put it on her wrist, her excitement grew due to its perfect match.
A romantic moment followed as Williams Uchemba wrapped his arms around his wife, and they both radiated joy.
The caption reads, “A LITTLE PUSH PRESENT 🎁 🎁.Bless a woman around you today. To be a mother is not a joke.”
Watch the video below: